Self Belief for peak performance

This training course takes a practical and sensitive look at how individuals can become more resilient and assertive in the ever-changing workplace.

What you will gain from this training course:

  • Strength to better deal with constant change

  • A set of effective guidelines to help you learn how to believe in yourself

  • Greater trust and confidence in your own abilities on a continuous basis

  • Responsibility for thinking about how to incorporate learning for yourself

  • Tools for adopting self-belief concepts within the team and organisation.


Who this training course is for:

This training course is perfect for team leaders and managers. Useful to teams and individuals who want to be more effective and collaborative and enhance their career development.


What this training course session will cover:

  • Where does self-belief and self-esteem come from?
  • How to manage feedback and set-backs positively
  • Being assertive in how you think and act.


This training session is aligned to the following CICM Professional Standards:

PS 1 Communication and relationship-building

PS 2 Problem-solving and decision-making

PS 3 Support and influencing

PS 4 Passion for learning and drive for results

PS 5 Team-working and leadership

B1 Inquiring; B3 Resolute; B4 Resilient; B5 Ethical.