As the London branch, we are responsible for the entire London area and have monthly gatherings, including the Annual General Meeting. These events offer a great opportunity to meet other credit professionals and develop valuable networking connections, sometimes leading to long-lasting friendships. Being a member of the Institute and attending our meetings goes hand-in-hand.
We are inclusive, catering to all ages, and have a particular interest in young credit professionals just starting out in their careers. Our agenda is a mix of informative and social events. The focus remains on education, where we touch on an array of fascinating subjects over a relaxed social get-together. We have guest speakers representing a broad range of credit-related fields and would welcome suggestions from members for future events. The social scene is equally diverse, from cheese and wine tasting evenings, to venturing out for Italian cuisine. Our branch page lists all upcoming events, and emails from CICMHQ will keep you up to date. Many branch events carry CPD hours that you can add to your personal development plan.
Please contact us if you have questions or simply want to chat — but better yet, come and join us at one of our meetings! You will be greeted warmly. We look forward to seeing you at our next event.