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Commercial Telephone Collections

The Commercial Telephone Collections unit aims to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for commercial telephone collections.

33 Guided Learning Hours

105 Total Qualification Time

Syllabus topics


Commercial telephone collection (10%)

Qualities required for commercial telephone collections work

Organisational measurement of quality of telephone collections


Main customer types and collection processes (15%)

Identification of main types of customers in arrears

Organisational collection process for each customer type

Objective of collection calls for each customer type


Rules relating to commercial telephone collections (10%)

Key laws and regulations

Key organizational rules required to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements


Conducting commercial telephone collection calls (30%)

Organisation of commercial collections calls

Structure of commercial telephone collections calls

Techniques to build customer relations

Excuses for late payment

Vocal techniques used in commercial collections calls

Post call action


Effective negotiations (25%)

Assertiveness during commercial collections calls

Influencing techniques used during commercial collection calls

Overcoming resistance during commercial collections calls

Negotiation in a commercial collections call

Handling disputes and dealing with angry callers


Reflective practice (10%)

Explanation of key personal strengths in collections call handling

Reflection on work and learning activities to make improvements to performance



Assignment based assessment.

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