Consumer Telephone Collections
33 Guided Learning Hours 105 Total Qualification Time
Syllabus topics
Consumer telephone collection (15%)
Role of consumer telephone collectors in organisation
Qualities required for consumer telephone collections work
Organisational measurement of quality of telephone collections
Consumer collections with main customer types (15%)
- Handling of consumer collection calls with main customer types
- Identification of customers in vulnerable circumstances
- Handling calls with vulnerable customers
Rules relating to consumer telephone collections (10%)
- Key laws and regulations
- Key organisational rules required to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
Conducting consumer telephone collection calls (30%)
- Essential checks at start of consumer collections
- Developing dialogues with customers
- Vocal techniques used in commercial collections calls
- Questions used to build an accurate picture of a customer’s situation
- Establishing an affordable repayment plan
- Reaching a commitment and closing a call
- Post call action
- Importance of accurate call records
Effective negotiation (20%)
- Assertiveness during consumer collections calls
- Influencing techniques used during consumer collection calls
- Overcoming resistance during consumer collections calls
- Negotiation in a consumer collections call
- Handling disputes and verbal abuse