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Debt Recovery Management

This unit aims to develop advanced knowledge and skills required for debt recovery management work.

Syllabus topics

1. Debt recovery options (10%)

  • Different options available in the recovery of debt

2. Preparation for debt recovery (20%)

  • Liaison with relevant parties
  • Debtor case review

3. Management of debt recovery procedures (30%)

  • Monitor progress of debt recovery cases
  • Maintain customer records in accordance with organisational legal and regulatory requirements
  • Work with stakeholders.

4. Debt recovery in line with legal, regulatory and industry frameworks (20%)

  • Debt recovery case management including customers with complex requirements

5. Reflective practice (20%)

  • Evaluation of oversight of debt recovery options
  • Assessment of changes in approach and outcome
  • Action planning to improve personal skills.


  • One written assignment

Book your course

Study this course with either Virtual Classes, Learning Support Service or completely independently
