Legal proceedings and Insolvency

This unit aims to develop an understanding of legal proceedings and insolvency in relation to the collection of debt.

Learner Outcomes

  • Understand how to prepare for recovery of debt through the courts.
  • Understand routes to judgment on undefended claims.
  • Understand the routes to judgment on defended claims.
  • Understand how to enforce a judgment.
  • Understand insolvency in relation to debt collection.
  • Understand how a credit manager can manage the postinsolvency processes.

Assessment Criteria

  • Assess the suitability of a case for recovery of debt through the courts.
  • Explain how to prepare for recovery of debt.
  • Evaluate the debtor’s options after service of a claim.
  • Explain a creditor’s reaction to the debtor’s response.
  • Explain different types of judgment.
  • Tactically evaluate routes to judgment on defended claims.
  • Explain methods of enforcement.
  • Evaluate methods of enforcement for different debtor types.
  • Compare and contrast different types of insolvency.
  • Evaluate the process of insolvency for the collection of undefended debt.
  • Explain how a credit manager can manage the post-insolvency processes.

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Study this course with either Virtual Classes, Learning Support Service or completely independently
