Collect that Cash
What you will gain from this training course:
- Confidence to handle cash collection conversations with customers
- A bank of go-to qualities that maximise your effectiveness
- Structure and control in your collections calls
- Responses and techniques to improve your cash collection volume
- Better customer relationships and satisfaction.
Who this training course is for:
This training is suitable for debt collectors and anyone who collects cash for their organisation. It offers approaches, techniques and skills to assist those new to the role and works well as a refresher training for all collection staff.
What this training course session will cover:
- Qualities of a collector – How you can get the best out of yourself.
- Prepare for Success – How to organise, prepare and structure your work.
- Collection technique – Tools and techniques to maximise collection.
- Handling excuses – How to separate excuses from reasons and resolve them.
- Closure and follow up – How to maximise impact for ongoing success.
This training session is aligned to the following CICM Professional Standards:
BS 3 Know your customer/client
BS 4 Financial and data interpretation
PS 1 Communication and relationship-building
PS 2 Problem-solving and decision-making
PS 3 Support and influencing
B1 Inquiring; B3 Resolute; B4 Resilient; B5 Ethical