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Develop a positive working environment

A positive, professional working environment creates a harmonious culture, more engagement and reduced HR issues. Do you have a working environment that could benefit from such a refresher? Or would you like to learn more about how to develop a culture of expected behaviours? If so, then this session will be useful for you. Through group discussion and activities you will gain the skills needed to develop a positive working environment.

What will you gain?

  • An increased level of respect between staff
  • A more harmonious and engaged workforce
  • A team that lives company values
  • A personalised commitment statement of change
  • The ongoing benefit of learned behaviours that foster a positive environment
  • An embedded culture that becomes the new norm.


Who is it for?

Anyone interested in embedded positivity into their workplace will benefit from this training. It is particularly well suited to front line team members and works well within credit control and collections environments.

It is the must-have training for organisations that have an increased level of HR issues as a result of unprofessional behaviours within its workforce.


What will it cover?

  • Inappropriate behaviour and its drivers
  • Appreciating difference and avoiding offence
  • Consequences of poor behaviour and its impact
  • Evaluation of performance against organisational values
  • How organisational culture affects behaviour
  • Commitment to change


This training session is aligned to the following CICM Professional Standards:

  • BS 1 Strategy and policy
  • BS 5 Innovation and change
  • PS 3 Support and influencing
  • PS 5 Team working and leadership
  • B1 Inquiring; B3 Resolute; B4 Resilient; B5 Ethical.