Export Contracting and Compliance: Incoterms®
What you will learn from this training course:
- Robust understanding of international contracting standards
- Up-to-date knowledge of Incoterms® 2020
- Reduction of common contract errors
- More alignment between Incoterms®, insurance and payments.
Who this training course is for:
Suitable for everyone involved in export operations, including export credit control and finance, documentation, shipping, export administration, sales, and order processing. It is also helpful for more senior personnel such as export and finance managers.
What this training course session covers:
- Smart contracting and model contracts
- Incoterms® 2020: what they are
- Selection of appropriate Incoterm® from the 11 existing terms
- Common errors
- Incoterms® 2020 review and changes
- Incoterms, insurance, and payments alignment
This training session is aligned to the following CICM Professional Standards:
BS 2 Business and regulatory acumen
BS 3 Know your customer/client
BS 4 Financial and data interpretation
PS 2 Problem solving and decision making
PS 5 Team working and leadership
B2 Future focused; B4 Resilient; B5 Ethical.