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Receipting and Invoicing

This training programme focuses on helping you understand the importance of invoices, including their design and accuracy and the impact this has on cashflow for an organisation. It will raise awareness of the need for accurate marking and reconciliation of invoices that have been paid, and the importance of prompt investigation of discrepancies.

What you will gain from this training course:

  • Practical skills for designing an effective invoice

  • Tips to identify and resolve weaknesses in the billing cycle

  • An insight into the significance of invoicing accuracy

  • An understanding of the importance of recording payments accurately


Who this training course is for:

This training is suitable billing technicians and credit controllers who handle invoicing and receipting.


What this training course session covers:

  • The definition and purpose of invoicing and receipting
  • The stages of the billing cycle
  • Essentials of an invoice
  • Designing a ‘killer’ invoice
  • The role of the billing department in effective invoicing
  • Invoice accuracy
  • The requirement for accurate receipting of payments
  • The impact of delays in resolving payment discrepancies.


This training session is aligned to the following CICM Professional Standards:

BS 2 Business and regulatory acumen

BS 4 Financial and data interpretation

PS 1 Communication and relationship-building

B1 Inquiring; B3 Resolute; B5 Ethical.