Successful Negotiation
What you will learn from this training course:
More win-win outcomes with your stakeholders
Useable 4-step approach to modern negotiation
Greater customer compliance with agreements
Improved empathetic relationships with stakeholders
Opportunity for personal reflection of skills.
Who this training course is for:
This workshop is suitable for people at all levels who want to improve their negotiation skills. The training is placed in a credit and collections setting and is transferrable across other business areas.
What this training course will cover:
1. What modern negotiation is – and what it is not
2. The mutual gains approach
3. How to use true empathy and emotional quotient
4. Setting outcomes and BATNA
5. Creating the win-win.
This training session is aligned to the following CICM Professional Standards:
BS 3 Know your customer/client
PS 1 Communication and relationship-building
PS 2 Problem-solving and decision-making
PS 3 Support and influencing
PS 5 Team-working and leadership
B1 Inquiring; B3 Resolute; B4 Resilient; B5 Ethical