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Kent Free

Kent Branch AGM

Join the Kent branch for their 2025 AGM.

The CICM Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for branch members to review the year's branch events, elect new Branch Committee members and to allow discussion on future plans and direction of the branch and its activity.


1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the 2024 AGM

3. Chair’s report

4. Treasurer’s report

5. Size of branch committee – To agree the size of the branch committee until the next AGM.

6. Election of branch committee members

7. Election of officers – To elect the following officers:

a) Chair*

b) Vice Chair

c) Treasurer

d) Secretary

8. Events planned for 2024

9. Any other business

*Anyone with current CICM membership can serve on a committee. However, if you wish to vote, or to serve as a Chair, Vice-Chair, you must be a MCICM, MICM(Grad) or FCICM.