31 Jan 2023
by Paula Uttley

Need to Go Legal? - How to Get it Right and Annual General Meeting

Find out what the Sheffield and District branch got up to during their 2023 AGM.

Sheffield and District Branch members and guests gathered in the historic Sheffield Town Hall for an informative evening meeting. Stepping through the grand iron gates, attendees ascended to the first floor, where they were greeted by the grandeur of the Conference Room. This impressive space, rarely accessible to the public, boasts a magnificent oval table, red leather chairs, and wood-panelled walls adorned with bookcases and ornate windows overlooking the serene Peace Gardens.

Branch Chair, Jamie Thornton, kicked things off by presenting the prestigious CICM Sheffield & District Branch Student Prize to Vicky Selvester. Vicky, who aced her CICM Level 3 Diploma Mandatory Unit in 2022, received a certificate and a well-deserved £150 prize.

Navigating debt collections through the legal system

Jamie then introduced the highly anticipated guest speaker, Solicitor Carl Jones from MD Law. Carl began with a brief introduction, sharing his background and expertise beyond debt recovery. He then expertly navigated the complexities of navigating debt recovery through the legal system.

Carl's insightful presentation covered a range of crucial aspects, emphasising the importance of customer due diligence, exploring the benefits of written contracts, and outlining essential pre-action steps. He also delved into insolvency proceedings, issuing claims, and even touched upon the fascinating - and surprisingly ancient! - Statute of Frauds (1677). Time constraints limited further exploration of retention of title, but Carl ensured a comprehensive overview, leaving room for questions and discussions throughout the informative and engaging presentation.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Following Carl's insightful presentation, the meeting transitioned to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Chair Jamie Thornton efficiently navigated the formalities, including:

  • Receiving apologies for absence
  • Approving minutes and financial reports
  • Overseeing committee member nominations and elections
  • Providing a review of past events and a glimpse into upcoming activities

The AGM concluded with "Any Other Business," where the committee expressed gratitude to Andrew Walker for his work and support since joining the committee in May 2022 and shared details about the Student Prize. With all official matters addressed, the meeting closed on a successful note.

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