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South West

The South West branch encompasses a vast region stretching from the picturesque Cornwall to the captivating North Devon. We typically gather around two times a year, in addition to our Annual General Meeting. Our meetings and social events serve not only as fantastic opportunities to connect with fellow credit professionals but also as a means to build a valuable support network. Over the years, many of these connections have evolved into lasting friendships.

Our branch events offer a delightful blend of informative and social events. Our meetings are designed to be educational, featuring a wide spectrum of intriguing and entertaining subject matter. Often, we are honoured to host guest speakers, hailing both from our region and beyond. Our social events are equally diverse, ranging from local tours and quiz nights to simply enjoying a delightful evening at the local curry house.

We are dedicated to ensuring that our offerings cater to individuals of all ages and backgrounds, with a special emphasis on welcoming young credit professionals who are embarking on their careers. We firmly believe that attending our meetings is one of the major benefits of being a member of the Institute. It's worth noting that many of our branch events offer CPD hours, which you can add to your personal development plan.

If you're seeking more information or just wish to have a friendly chat, please don't hesitate to reach out. Even better, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to join us at our meetings—you will be received with the warmest of welcomes!