Identify and support vulnerable customers
What you will learn from this training course:
- Clearer view of vulnerability within your customer portfolio
- Stronger processes for identifying, flagging, and supporting vulnerability
- Practical methods to spot and assist those in vulnerable circumstances
- Closer alignment to regulatory and social obligations toward vulnerability
- Positive customer experiences and improved ethical reputation.
Who this training course is for:
This training is suitable for anyone in who wants to build a stronger understanding of vulnerability and how it can be supported. It is particularly useful to those who interact with consumers, to ensure actions are in line with FCA protocol. It will also benefit credit staff who work with individuals within the B2B sector.
What this training course will cover:
1. What is vulnerability?
Understanding the extent of the problem; How to identify vulnerability
2. Flagging vulnerability
Using triggers successfully; The dos and don’ts of flagging a vulnerable situation
3. Support for vulnerable customers
Uncovering the need; Skills and capabilities; Practical action
4. Create a vulnerable-sensitive culture
Monitor and evaluate; Report on outcomes
This training session is aligned to the following CICM Professional Standards:
BS 3 Know your customer/client
BS 4 Financial and data interpretation
PS 1 Communication and relationship-building
PS 2 Problem-solving and decision-making
PS 3 Support and influencing
B1 Inquiring; B5 Ethical