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13 Jan 2025
by Tom Sharman

The Power of a Qualified Workforce

Value of Qualifications - Power of being qualfied blog banner

Qualifications are the key to unlocking workforce efficiency and effectiveness, increasing the organisation’s return on investment. 

In this blog, we will look at the power of having a Qualified workforce in your organisation. 


Introducing new skills 

Having staff within your organisation that are taking a qualification can introduce new ideas and skills into the team. 

On a community voice episode, Tom East, Learning and Development Manager at Valda Energy found that apprentices empowered their workforce and contributed valuable skills to the company’s success. 

He further stated that the qualification expanded the overall organisation’s knowledge and understanding, which benefitted the rest of the team – demonstrating the value of qualified staff. 


Staff retention 

CICM was a core component of BT’s transformation for their credit control department, stating that staff felt valued, seeing an organisation that was dedicated to developing them, their career and their future. 


People make business decisions 

Throughout this blog, we’ve explored how qualifications channel power through the workforce. People drive business decisions, and those decisions are strengthened when supported by the technical knowledge and skills that qualifications provide. 

Having a qualified workforce is making all the difference for large organisations like BT and Valda Energy, and if organisations seek to achieve their goals in 2025, then Qualifications are going to be a large driver to achieve them. 

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