Advanced Credit Risk Management
The unit aims to build high level knowledge and skills in advanced credit risk management.
Yes, if you have passed qualifications with similar content at an equivalent or higher level, you may be eligible for an exemption.
The CICM accredits prior learning, and learners may apply for an exemption for one or more units if they have passed a relevant subject in an equivalent qualification. This must be at the same or a higher level.
A request for exemption should be made in writing on registration with the CICM, and be supported by copies of certificates and official confirmation of the subjects or units passed. It may also be necessary to provide syllabus details so that the Institute can determine the degree of match between the qualifications being considered and its own units.
Examination exemptions will not be awarded for units where a candidate has previously sat and failed that unit in an CICM examination. Also, only the CICM can advise on eligibility for exemptions. Exemptions are not valid until the relevant fee has been paid.
For further information please contact [email protected]
To gain the Level 5 Diploma, you must pass four awards (units) assessed by written assignment
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Once you know your chosen study method and have seen the costs of your desired package, you can begin booking your course through the preferred study method.
Study this course with either Virtual Classes, Learning Support Service or completely independently
The unit aims to build high level knowledge and skills in advanced credit risk management.
The unit aims to develop the ability to evaluate compliance with legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements for own area of responsibility
The unit aims to develop the ability to map the environment in which a business operates and benchmark operational performance in a way which raises strategic planning and communication skills
This unit aims to develop an understanding of legal proceedings and insolvency in relation to the collection of debt.
The unit aims to build leadership skills through a theoretical and practical understanding of strategic communications
The unit aims to develop the ability to monitor, review and improve business processes in own area of responsibility.
CICM Qualifications are regulated by Ofqual, Qualification Wales and, CCEA (Regulations) and available in Apprenticeships or a range of study options, as well as the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) for End Point Assessment (EPA).
As a CICM learner, you prove your commitment to upholding the highest professional standards and to raise personal performance.
Level 2 CICM Qualifications
These are referred to as "Entry Level" CICM Qualifications. They are the benchmark for credit controllers, collectors and enforcement agents working in operational roles, with little or no experience in the profession.
Level 3 CICM Qualifications
These are referred to as the "Intermediate" CICM Qualifications. They are the benchmark for credit controllers and collectors working in senior operational roles.
Level 5 CICM Qualifications
These are referred to as the "Advanced" CICM Qualifications. These are the benchmark for credit and collections professionals at a managerial or strategic level.
CICM's Credit Management and Qualifications will require learners to pass awards that contribute to their overall qualification.
There's never a wrong time to start a Credit and Collections Qualification. CICM Qualifications are completely flexible and we will work closely in supporting you to achieve your results.
What are the next steps after a Level 5 Qualification in Credit Management and Collections?
It's more important than ever to ensure that you continue your professional development and keep your skills sharp.
Take a look at our CICM Training options, filled with Credit and Collections training courses to help you with your continuous development.
The CICM accredits prior learning, and learners may apply for an exemption for one or more units if they have passed a relevant subject in an equivalent qualification. This must be at the same or a higher level.
A request for exemption should be made in writing on registration with the CICM, and be supported by copies of certificates and official confirmation of the subjects or units passed. It may also be necessary to provide syllabus details so that the Institute can determine the degree of match between the qualifications being considered and its own units.
Examination exemptions will not be awarded for units where a candidate has previously sat and failed that unit in an CICM examination. Also, only the CICM can advise on eligibility for exemptions. Exemptions are not valid until the relevant fee has been paid.
For further information please contact [email protected]
Moderator Feedback Reports are useful resources to help learners with their assignments to help them achieve a good result.
Business Communication & Personal Skills
Consumer Telephone Collections
Commercial Telephone Collections
Advanced Business Communications and Personal Skills
Advanced Collections
Credit Risk Management
Debt Recovery Management
Advanced Enforcement
Advanced Credit Risk Management
Compliance with legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements
Legal Proceedings & Insolvency
Process Improvement
Strategic Communications and Leadership
Strategic Planning
General Money & Debt Advice principles & practice
Debt Prioritisation principles & practice
Court Procedures and Enforcement Action principles & practice
Non-statutory solutions & budgeting advice principles & practice
Statutory solutions & budgeting advice principles & practice
Money & Debt Advice Call Handling principles & practice